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Hey, I'm Thiago Barba, a Brazilian Art Director, Illustrator & Motion Designer.

Evidencing stories and ideas that drives positive changes.

I've been focusing my skills on spreading meaningful stories to impact people

positively through storytelling, illustrations and animations.

And I'm very grateful to find incredible people to collaborate with and help to develop such special projects for institutions, advocacy organisations, foundations and NGOs:

*a special thanks to Johanna Schwartz and all the lovely people at Soapbox.

UNOPS - United Nations Office for Project Services | SIPRI - Stockholm International Peace Research Institute | BEUC - The European Consumer Organisation | Gppi - Global Public Policy Institute | FAU - Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | ICS - International Chamber of Shipping | IMO - International Maritime Organization | NYU - New York University | CIC - Center on International Cooperation | CGIAR - Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research | CJI - Centre for Justice Innovation | SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute |

The Alphagrid media (The Financial Times) | Oxchain

**I'm also part of NOMA Creative Collective

Currently based in Varese, Italy


Say hello :)

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